Posted on: October 21st, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

When we think about greatness, it’s often through the lens of societal norms—power, status, wealth. Yet, in the teachings of Jesus, a different path is illuminated, one that challenges these conventional ideas. Let us explore an understanding of greatness through the lens of service, as elucidated in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10, verses 43 to 45.

Understanding Expectations in Baptism

In my conversations with families preparing for baptism, I often delve into the realm of expectations. Many approach baptism with preconceived notions—some see it as a rite of passage, others, a form of spiritual protection akin to a talisman. Few truly grasp the transformative nature of this sacred act.

Baptism is much more than a mere ceremony. It is an invitation from God to enter into a profound relationship with Him—a union with Christ that is unbreakable. Through baptism, we are called to a lifelong journey, a transformation in which we grow closer to God and each other.

Misguided Expectations and Their Consequences

Misguided expectations can lead to confusion and disappointment. Some anticipate a magical transformation, expecting a baptized child to naturally gravitate towards faith, only to find that life’s realities are more complex.

Scripture makes clear what we should expect in our relationship with God: to love Him fully and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This divine relationship, enriched through baptism, promises change—not always comfortable or easy but essential for our spiritual growth.

Service as the Measure of Love

Our journey with God often involves service. In my own life, I’ve encountered both joy and challenge in fulfilling responsibilities. Not everything has come easily, yet it’s in these moments of difficulty that God reminds us of His expectation: that all service is ultimately for Him.

This realization reshapes our expectations—of ourselves, of God, and of our roles as His followers. As Jesus taught Peter, love for Him is demonstrated through service: feeding His sheep, tending to His lands.

The Fallacy of Self-Serving Expectations

The disciples, James and John, illustrate a common misunderstanding of this journey. They sought personal glory, misunderstanding the essence of Jesus’s power and mission. But Jesus corrected them, stressing that true greatness comes from being a servant, a slave to all.

This is a hard lesson for many of us who seek validation and significance. Yet, in God’s kingdom, humility and service define greatness. The path to encountering the living God is paved with obedience and self-denial.

Embracing God’s Transformative Power

Encountering God is not without its challenges. As seen in Job’s journey, we are prompted to put aside our small, human conceptions of God and recognize His infinite wisdom. In this recognition, we find liberation from the misguided expectations that restrict our spiritual growth.

To ask God for a share in His divine life, as we do in baptism, is to embrace transformation. This is a transformation that God, in His grace, knows we need, even when we do not fully comprehend what we are asking.

The Call to Authentic Service

In this life with God, we are blessed with opportunities to serve and love authentically. By redefining our expectations away from societal measures of success, we align closer with God’s intentions for us. Each act of service, each moment of humility, transforms us more into the image of Christ.

In conclusion, may we embrace the call to lay down our lives—the person we think we are or should be—to take up the new life that God freely offers. Let us embark on this continual journey of love, where true greatness is found.
