Posted on: July 14th, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

by Peter Owadayo

Sometimes God physically touches His people, and in those moments, you can feel His presence in an indescribable way—what I like to call “Holy Ghost goosebumps.” There might be heat, tingling, or other sensations that reveal His glorious presence among us. This morning, I want to take you on a journey of surrendering yourself under God’s control, drawing inspiration from Moses’ plea in Exodus chapter 33, “Lord, please show me your glory.”

**Surrendering to God’s Control**

Today, we are going to explore how we can witness God’s glory by releasing our spirit under the Holy Spirit’s control. Just as Moses did, we will see His glory if we let go and surrender to Him fully. It’s through surrender that we can truly experience the enduring mercy and might of the Lord, our omnipotent Father


**Welcoming the Holy Spirit**

I invite you to welcome the Holy Spirit into your life and your space. Sing with me if you know the words:
“Holy Spirit, thou art welcome in this place.
Holy Spirit, thou art welcome in this place.
Omnipotent Father of mercy and grace, thou art welcome in this place.”

**Prayer for Healing and Restoration**

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the great physician. This morning, we ask for your presence to move among us. Heal every infirmity, restore lives, mend broken relationships, and bring joy into our homes. Provide strength to our seniors and open doors of opportunity for your people.

**Living a Joyful Life in God**

God has called us to live a joyful and victorious life in Him. There is no specific formula for a faith-filled life, but He has given us ways to strengthen our faith daily. Through prayer, reading, and meditating on His word, and serving others, we can grow closer to Him.

**God at the Center**

When we make God the center of our lives, every situation and circumstance will follow His divine will. Just like in the house of Obed-Edom, where everything fell into place because they recognized and honored the presence of God, we too can experience His blessings when we keep Him at the heart of our lives.

**Recognizing God’s Presence**

The Ark of the Covenant, a symbol of God’s supreme power and presence, contained the laws that guided His people. When the Ark was taken away, the Israelites strayed from God’s commandments. However, King David’s act of bringing the neglected Ark back to his new capital demonstrated the importance of returning to God and recognizing His presence in our lives.

Sometimes we may act out of our own foolishness, like Lot’s wife, who turned back and became a pillar of salt. But when we recognize God’s presence and move forward in faith, we embrace His joy and blessings.

**Obedience and Blessings**

When we obey God’s word, we open ourselves to His blessings. David and the Israelites rejoiced at the triumphant return of the Ark, which symbolized the presence of God among them. Similarly, Jesus Christ is our Ark, the manifestation of God’s favor, and through Him, our prayers and praises are accepted.

**A Call to Put God First**

Beloved, when we put God first in our lives, our homes, and our work, we will see His glory revealed. Just as Obed-Edom was blessed for valuing God’s presence, we too can attract blessings by making God the center. Our lives should be an open book that mirrors God’s love and grace to our community.


In our journey, let’s allow God to be paramount. Trust in Him for solutions, and let’s ensure His commandments guide our decisions. As we pray:

“Eternal God, move in our individual lives. As we journey in this race, Holy Spirit, we need your intervention, especially in these end times. Help us live our lives carefully, with you at the center.”
